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Our 2025 Targets For Tots event will take place on Saturday June 7th. Mark the date on your calendar and don't forget to invite your friends!

Stay tuned for details on registration dates on our website and Facebook page. We hope to see you there!


We have our final fundraiser total for our 2024 event...

This year we raised $18,963.05 in support of the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation!!!

We are so incredibly grateful for everyone who sponsored or supported our event. With your help, in only three years we have raised just over $50,000 for the Stollery! ($50,078 so literally just over lol but every dollar counts!) My mind is officially blown. The generosity of people wanting to support this cause that we are so passionate about just amazes me.


We hope to see you at our event next year!


I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who attended and supported our event. It was a rainy, cloudy day but it looks like everyone made the best of it and had a good time. I have a lot of awesome pictures to go through (thanks Carrie!), so keep an eye on this page for those and for the fundraising total!

Also congratulations to our top shooters! What an odd thing to have two ties for the top spots!

1st Place Phil Charlebois and Tim Hucul

3rd Place Devin Lungal and Ken Dick


Targets For Tots is our family's little organization created to hold fundraising events with our favorite local sporting clay range in support of the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation.  We are non-profit and rely on the generous donations from our sponsors, family, and friends.

Our website is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, but a mobile version is also available.



Strathcona County, AB Canada

© 2019 by Targets For Tots

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